Doctor Who: Orb of Destiny
Doctor Who: Orb of Destiny
By Todd Dias
For many countless eons, they have watched over creation, guiding many a people along, like the Muses of Greek Mythology, in their first stumbling steps towards civilization and giving inspiration to the myths and legends of peoples the Universe over. These immortals are like guardian angels to the rest of civilization. Including Time Lords. Where Gallifreyans merely observe, the people known as the Mvier are an active part in the shaping of things. They helped humanity grow from just another anthropoid to a cultured race. They helped bring about the divide in the collective consciousness that lead the Time Lord race to become a highly powerful, highly intelligent race. But they too are a passive race when it comes to challenging evil. Their task is but to inspire civilizations and aid in the creation of ideals that challenge evil but they never take it on themselves. They have no power to do so, for you see theirs is a creative force which is derived from a Sacred Orb, which was given to them by the Guardian of Light in Time. This Orb was entrusted to them for their benevolence. The Orb contains an awesome power indeed comparable to the Key to Time, the difference being that the Orb gives the Mvier the longevity, and their creative, magical power, but it is not ultimately controlled by them. The Key to Time once possessed grants absolute controllable power to the person who possesses it. All the same, the Orb in the wrong hands would be disastrous nonetheless. Its mysterious powers could be harnessed for evil.
Like the Time Lords, the Mvier keep themselves hidden away on their home planet of Mveera but unlike the Time Lords they have no defenses. They rely on their own stealth and a naïve belief that no one would want to attack them. But this as we shall see is not so.
For a relatively shorter period of time, but relative to them a very long time, the Sontarons and the Rutans have been at war. Nobody really knows why a race of clones and a race of amorphous blobs would want to fight to the extinction of the respective species. The Doctor once conjectured that it was something as juvenile as a bar fight over a table, but for whatever reason their war has been going on for so long that the reason itself has passed from memory of an actual event into racial myth.
As part of their failed attempt to invade Gallifrey in a bid for supremacy, the Vardons searched the Universe for the Time Lords but before they found Gallifrey, they found Mveera. They made note of it, and the power its people commanded but ultimately found Gallifrey a more viable option. Their mentality was that Gallifrey must have a greater reward of power because of its elaborate defense system. Still their eyes were on the Mvier as a second target. The Vardons were defeated by the Doctor but their discovery did not go unnoticed. For you see, the Vardons were being used by the Sontarons. The Sontarons made sure they knew everything the Vardons did and this included the knowledge of the Mvier. In cases of centuries of conflict, espionage is well to be expected. The Rutons thus also knew of the Mvier through their spies. But it doesn’t stop there. The Sontarons soon learned that the Rutans knew of the Mvier, and soon there was a mutual knowledge of each others knowledge. And a race to Mveera began. But the Rutans and Sontarons were not alone.
En route to Mveera, the TARDIS flew with The Doctor and Ace.
“You can’t be serious.”
“Guardian angels…that’s ridiculous, Professor.”
“Well it’s just an analogy. What they really are is a sort of evolutionary vanguard… people who aid in the development of species that have the potential to grow into civilizations. They monitor us, give reminders here, inspiration there and are truly amazing people.”
“So why are we going there? Can’t the “evolutionary vanguards” take care of themselves?”
“We’re going, Ace, because they are in danger and they are not even aware of it. For all their power they have no concept of violence or even, when it comes to it, evil.”
“You mean they’re goodie-goodies,” Ace asked cynically.
“I prefer to refer to them as benevolent, Ace, but benevolence won’t save them.” The Doctor got that dark look in his eyes that Ace had grown to be wary of. So she decided to try and lighten the mood in her own idiom. “So who are these toe-rags that are coming to cause trouble?”
“’Toe-rags’” the Doctor smiled, “is a good way to describe them. Just two races out to destroy each other. Nothing more than an annoyance, but if they get their hands on the source of the Mvier’s power, things could really become unpleasant.” The Doctor had deliberately kept Ace in the dark about the Orb as it is a closely guarded secret. No outsider was to know about it.
Approaching Mveera, the Sontaran spherical ships volleyed with Rutan fleet as each tried to be the first to reach the planet. As one got the advantage, the other quickly made up the difference. So slowly but surely they both reached the planet’s orbit and there began anew the struggle to be the first to set out onto the planet.
The TARDIS materialized in the heart of Mveera. It seemed to Ace to have the aesthetic of a Tibetan Monastery with all the Mountains and the barebones living quarters of the Mvier. The Doctor explained that they lived a life of self-less service believing in the greater good over the individual. They were approached by an elderly elvish-looking creature with an innocent half-smile on his face. “Welcome, friends. What brings a Time Lord and a humanoid to our humble home?”
“How’d they know you are Time Lord, Professor,” Ace whispered to the Doctor.
“Few races know of us,” answered the acutely-hearing Mvier, “few races need know of us. But we know a Time Lord when we see one.”
“As to the latter, you are correct,” responded the Doctor. “As to the former, you seem to be having trouble keeping yourselves hidden if Sontarons and Rutans are fighting at your doorstep.”
“They, I can assure you, are no threat, my young Time Lord friend. They couldn’t possibly know of…our secret.” He looked at Ace with mild apprehension as he said this last part.
“And I can assure you they do. I must see the Orb.”
“Orb?” thought Ace aloud and caught looks from the Mvier and the Doctor both which suggested in varying degrees and reasons that she should have stayed quiet.
“The Sacred Orb of Mveera. I have come from the High Council to see it is safe.” The Doctor produced the Seal of Rassilon to corroborate his claim. “You would not like me to invoke the 3rd Treaty of Rassilon, would you?”
The Elder decided that it was best to grant this request. He bid them wait outside while he prepared the Orb.
“Professor,” Ace whispered, “What are you up to? The High Council didn’t send us. Or was I asleep during the summoning again?”
“I must see the Orb,” the Doctor replied. “Trust me.”
At this point the Sontarons and Rutans both arrived on Mveera, and began moving their troops to out maneuver each other on as they approached the temple-village.
The Elder beckoned for the Doctor and Ace to enter the inner chamber that housed the Orb. Ace was blown away by a sense of harmony as they approached a rich tapestry on the far wall. In the centre of it the was sphere the size of an English football. It glowed with a living energy. The Doctor approached it in a reverent manner, and knelt before it it and said: “Sacred Orb of Mveera, I come before you as your humble servant.”
The Orb now seemed to radiate with even more life, which seemed to excite the Elder. The Doctor retained his impassive face and humble stance. “Doctor, you are here at last, at the time of crisis.”
“Incredible,” Ace heard the Elder whisper in awe, “the Orb has not spoken in centuries.”
“You walk the path of destiny, Doctor,” the Orb intoned cryptically. “Do you intend to see it through?”
“To the end,” the Doctor affirmed.
“Then rise, and do as you must.”
The Doctor rose and moved closer to the Orb. Despite hearing the Orb implicitly giving the Doctor permission to do just what he was doing, the Elder felt the sway of millennia of dogmatic devotion, and could not allow an outsider to directly approach the Orb. Even the Mvier as noble as they are have faults, the Doctor thought sensing the sentiments of the Elder who was moving to stop him. “I must insist, Doctor that you not touch the Orb.’
“Do you want the Sontarans or the Rutans to have it?”
“There is no way they could know about it, let alone be able to get to it.
“That’s where you’re wrong. They’re on their way here, they…”
The Doctor was interrupted by the sound of an explosion. “Umm, Doctor,” Ace said, “I think they’re here”
“Good.” The Doctor said as he grabbed the Orb from its centre and walked out of the inner chamber. Ace, trusting the Doctor’s motives without really knowing what they were, blocked the Elder from stopping the Doctor as he left with the Orb. “He knows what he’s doing…I hope.”
Outside the Rutan-host were fighting with the Sontaran troops marring the stark yet sublime beauty of the temple-village. The Doctor came out and yelled: “STOP!!!!” The authority in his voice caught their attention, and kept it by saying in an equally authoritative tone. “I am the Doctor, President-Elect of the High Council of the Time Lords, and I order you to stop!! That’s better. I hold the Sacred Orb of Mveera. It is I who will decide to whom it will go. ”
A Rutan representing the collective came forward and said “Doc-tor…you will give the Orb to us to bring to the Queen of Ruta, the Great and Majestic Matrix!“
The Sontarans were not so formal. “We claim the Orb for the Sontaran Empire!!”
This started the conflict up again, but the Doctor was quick to halt it: “Stop!! I have made my decision!” He lifted the Orb high over his head, closed his eyes and allowed the Orb to work through him. This was the result.
The Rutans saw the Orb disappear, and then reappear in the hands of the Sontaran commander, who ordered his troops to return their ships and head for home victorious. The Sontarons saw the Orb fly out of the Doctor’s hands into the Rutan-Host scout ship, the Rutan-Host themselves dematerialize, and their ship take off. Each of them believed the other had the Orb and they began to pursue each other away from Mveera To Ace and the Mvier the Orb left the Doctor’s hands to return to the tapestry. They saw the Sontarans and the Rutan-host expedite from Mveera with great fervor. The Doctor looked pleased. He twirled his umbrella in triumph.
“Doctor, what did you do?” Ace asked incredulously.
“I used the Orb to heighten my Time Lord mind-power to convince them that other has the Orb. They will chase each other to the ends of the Universe and eventually forget all about the Orb and resume their age old war far away from the Mvier.”
“We cannot thank you enough, Doctor,” the Mvier Elder exclaimed. “You are indeed a man of destiny, as the Orb proclaimed.”
The Doctor and Ace said their goodbyes to the thankful Mvier, and they entered the TARDIS.
“Professor, what was all that talk of destiny? It’s not like you to believe in some mumbo jumbo like being bound to a certain fate.”
“Destiny just means being sent along on a journey with certain provisions and adversity to face. We are all called to do something with what we are given, something that gives our lives meaning and purpose.”
“But the Orb said you particularly walk the path of destiny. It was you who would be the one to save them from invasion. Why? Because you’re a Time Lord?”
“Ace, I am far more than just a Time Lord. You should know that by now.” He said this and smiled. He tapped her nose paternally and began the dematerialization sequence.